Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Pastina and Eggs Recipe

Pastina and eggs, or as he said, "pasteen eggs 'n' (a word) is a wonderful memory of childhood. I'm back in the world of Eisenhower and Howdy Doody. The TV was a small screen embedded in a large piece of furniture. Days of snow closed the school and we were free. The snow was colder then. The sky was gray. We left in the snow storm in our multiple layers of pants and scarves and snowsuits tucked into high boots knee. We played until our faces were frozen. At some point in our mother called us in large part to a combination of our reluctance to admit the cold and the desire to play in the snow forever. Freed from our many skins which were then re-corduroy dress that had been heated in the furnace door open. It did not take a small cup of tea and milk slightly touched with a drop of whiskey. We did not like much. Tea was followed by lunch on a snowy day: still very red cheeks and nose vigorously bent over a bowl filled with hot pasta creamy sweetness and aromatic eggs and cheese. Read More

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