Friday, November 16, 2012

Best Fuel for Your Charcoal Grill

All barbecue lovers have an opinion on the best fuel for use in a barbecue. If you have not thought much about your fuel options, you should, because the fuel you use can make a big difference in the quality of your grilled foods.
The three fuel options are coal, briquettes and wood.
In this article we will discuss each of them in turn, and then make some suggestions on the best ways to use each of them in their charcoal.
Mankind has made charcoal for thousands of years, and are probably using to cook almost all the time.
Charcoal is made by the combustion of wood in an atmosphere free of oxygen, and as it burns, water and other volatile components evaporate from the wood. The charcoal produced is used as fuel instead of wood. It's good for cooking because it burns more food more consistent than wood and does not confer any particular taste (good or bad) for cooked foods. The flavors can be produced by adding wood chips to coal combustion (see below). Read More

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